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Mood management in the present scenario

Mankind is going through a very difficult time, probably the worst in the lifetime of all of us. To fight the situation and emerge as winners it is important to stay optimistic and happy. Hence the importance of Mood Management. I am no expert, but I would like to share my experience with mood management and things that have worked for me. People who know me personally will agree that I am an ever-optimistic person. So if you like, you may pick up some tips from here. However one must note that different things may work for different individuals, so while applying these, one may have regard to his/her own choices and likings. The list is in no particular order. I follow all 15 with equal diligence.

  1. Exercise regularly: Walking, Yoga, Zumba or whatever suits you best.

  2. Get sufficient sleep (7-8 hours preferably)

  3. Eat a balanced and healthy diet incorporating all nutrients

  4. Watch good movies/matches to relax. I prefer going for virtual 4D walking tours around the world (available on YouTube). Since the beginning of the pandemic I have travelled to 80 countries without VISA through my home theatre.

  5. Avoid stress. Do whatever you like to destress. I cook!

  6. Express yourself openly with friends and family

  7. Have a light music (of choice) playing all the time. This lifts up the mood. I love to listen to Ghazals, Indian Classical, Old movie songs and Kenny G.

  8. Try aromatherapy for mood lifting. Sandalwood, Rose, Jasmine, Lavender, Peppermint, Cinnamon, Nutmeg etc are great mood enhancers. See which one fits you. I prefer Cinnamon and Nutmeg and avoid Lavender.

  9. Spend time with your hobby/hobbies... I love painting, cooking and writing, and am doing a lot of these since the last 1 year

  10. Laugh a lot. Take help from comedy shows, jokes or remembering funny events

  11. Count your blessings. Make a list of all the good things in life and how much you are better of than others. This will automatically make you feel better

  12. Read some good books. Avoid books with sad ending

  13. Be kind to others. Avoid criticism, negative reaction and bullying on social media.

  14. Spend time with family, mend strained relations and give friends/family the much needed hug at times

  15. Last but not the least, try to avoid seeing WhatsApp forwards and biased media/news


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